We believe that we really are “better together” because we each have the opportunity to learn and grow as we influence each other’s lives. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” and we believe it!  That’s why Home Groups are not only the foundation of our church, but are the center of our process of becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. Joining a HomeGroup is a great next step to learning to love and follow Jesus, living life in community, and building lasting relationships.

Home Group Sign-Up:

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  • Men

    1. Leader: Eddie Shaffer & Kade Shaffer
      Topic: College Age Men
      Time: Tuesday, 8:00pm
      Location: ATU
      Description: This is a group bible study designed to build relationships between College age men while studying God’s word and learning how to apply it to our everyday lives as you walk through one of the greatest seasons of preparation and transitions!  We believe you shouldn’t go through it alone, so come and let’s grow through it together.

    2. Leader: Charlie Thomason
      Topic: General Discussion
      Time: Sunday, 7:30am
      Location: Home Church
      Description: This is a Men’s Group that will focus on building relationships, discussing the weekend messages and how it applies to real life, and creating accountability to become the men that God has called us to be.

    3. Leader: Sammy Burns & Chad Wojtkow
      Topic: General Discussion
      Time: Monday, 7:00pm
      Location: Home Church
      Description: This is a Men’s Night at the church that will focus on how to become the man of God he has called us to be, and to lead ourselves, our families, and the communities he has placed us in the way he desires for us to do it!  We will dive into the word, relationships, and accountability so that we can become ALL that God intended for us and those connected to us to be.

    4. Leader: David Kendrick
      : General Discussion
      Time: Tuesday, 
      Location: Home Church
      Description: This is a Men’s Night at the church that will focus on how to become the man of God he has called us to be, and to lead ourselves, our families, and the communities he has placed us in the way he desires for us to do it!  We will dive into the word, relationships, and accountability so that we can become ALL that God intended for us and those connected to us to be.
  • Women

    1. Leader: Dawn Burns
      Topic: Thrive
      Time: Tuesday, 6:00pm
      Location: Home Church
      Description: Studying the book of 'Thrive' by Jennifer Cowart. Through this study, women will find inspiration and tools around six traits:
      Endurance – Embracing obstacles as a means to maturity.
      Wisdom – Using a heavenly perspective on earthly issues.
      Action – Living a life where actions match faith.
      Control – Taming the tongue.
      Humility – Developing the attitude of Christ.
      Prayer – Exercising the power tool of the faith.

    2. Leader: Brenda Winchell
      Topic: Living Fearless
      Time: Tuesday, 5:30pm
      Location: Brenda Winchell's
      Description: Living Fearless Book Study - Experience the true freedom of your identity in Christ! Author Jamie Winship leads you on an epic journey of attention, awareness, annunciation, and action. He urges you to "Stop the Traffic" and listen closely to what God is saying about himself, who you were meant to be, and the other people he created and loves.

    3. Leader: Kara Shaffer
      Topic: College Age Girls
      Time: Tuesday, 8:00pm
      Location: ATU
      Description: This is a group bible study designed to build relationships between college age women while studying God’s word and learning how to apply it to our everyday lives as you walk through one of the greatest seasons of preparation and transitions!  We believe you shouldn’t go through it alone, so come and let’s grow through it together.

    4. Leader: Sissy Chandler & Connie Clarke
      Topic: Heart Sisters
      Time: Tuesday, 6:30pm
      Location: Home Church
      Description: This is a relational group of like minded ladies following the weekly message and serving the community. This semester we plan on not only following and reviewing the weekly message but also going out to the Dardanelle community and completing service projects be it painting the Women’s Shelter or assisting at the Senior Citizens Center. We want to take Church out to the Community. Reminding them that Jesus is us, our Hands, our Feet and our Hearts.
  • Couples

    1. Leader: Aaron & Rachel Carlisle
      Topic: General Discussion
      Time: Monday, 6:30pm
      Location: Carlisle's Home
      Description: This is a relational group for couples to build relationships, discuss the weekend messages, walk through life, and chase Jesus together.

    2. Leader: Eric & Christina Geary
                   Zach & MaKayla Yates
      Topic: Love Dare
      Time: Thursday, 6:00pm
      Location: Home Church
      Description: This is a book study for couples of the The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 bestseller that has sold five million copies and was a major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take.

    3. Leader: Chris & Shenna Harper
      TopicGeneral Discussion
      Time: Wednesday, 6:30pm
      Location: Harper's Home
      One of the best things you can do for a relationship is find out who God says you are, and the beautiful way he designed you. We will cover personality traits, spiritual gifts, and more. We will discuss how God has designed you perfectly and how it fits with your partner.

    4. Leader: Chad & Jenny Wojtkow
      TopicGeneral Discussion
      Time: Monday, 7:00pm
      Location: Home
      Description: This is a relational group for people who want to spend the next semester praying for and reaching out to the community around us. We will meet, eat, and talk about the personal things that we believe God wants to do through us and figure out how to do them together as we journey through the missional aspect of God’s word.

  • Topical

    1. Leader: John Reinhold
      Topic: Freedom
      Time: Tuesday, 6:00pm
      Location: Home Church
      Description: During a 13-week Small Groups semester, Freedom Groups gather weekly to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.

    2. Leader: Christina Reinhold
      Topic: Freedom
      Time: Saturday, 9:00am
      Location: Christina Reinhold's Home
      Description: During a 13-week Small Groups semester, Freedom Groups gather weekly to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.

    3. Leader: Willis Morgan
                    Madison Allen
                    Julianna Harper

      Topic: Young Adult (20-35)
      Time: Monday, 6:30pm
      Location: Willis Morgan's Home
      Description: This is a relational group for young adults focused on reading through and studying the Bible beginning with the book of John. We will read in the meeting and answer questions that you may have, such as "What does this mean?", "Why did God do that?",  "How does that apply to me now?", or any other questions that may come to mind.  We can’t wait to explore God’s word together!

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